pg_protobuf: Protobuf support for PostgreSQL

Yesterday I had a few spare hours (I was waiting for 'Star Wars VIII' movie session, which BTW turned out to be great) so I decided to implement one idea I had in mind for quite some time. The idea is to add support of Protobuf datatype to PostgreSQL.

The result can be found on GitHub. Here is a short example from

create extension pg_protobuf;

create table heroes (x bytea);

insert into heroes values
  -- ...

create function hero_name(x bytea) returns text as $$
return protobuf_get_string(x, 1);
$$ language 'plpgsql' immutable;

create function hero_hp(x bytea) returns text as $$
return protobuf_get_integer(x, 2);
$$ language 'plpgsql' immutable;

create function hero_xp(x bytea) returns text as $$
return protobuf_get_integer(x, 3);
$$ language 'plpgsql' immutable;

create index hero_name_idx on heroes using btree(hero_name(x));

select protobuf_decode(x) from heroes where hero_name(x) = 'afiskon';

The extension seems to work and pass basic tests, however more thorough testing is required which I'm going to do in nearest few days.

Basically pg_protobuf solves same issues that zson solves but without any shared dictionaries that should be relearned from time to time.
